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Botanical garden of Brno University

Botanical garden of Brno University
Locality type: Zoo and botanic gardens
Continent: Europe
State (country): Czech republic
Place: Brno

This institute has its full name as follows: Botanical Garden and Arboretum of Agricultural and Forest University of George Mendel, Brno. It is placed in total ground of 11 ha approx., On southeast part of cadastral area of Ponava. It belongs to town-quarter Brno-Královo Pole, nearby quarter Brno-North, since 1990. According to information plate, there is average altitude of 230 metres above sea level, average year´s temperature is 8,4°C, and average year´s precipitation makes  531 mm. You find here an important collection of trees, bushes, flowers and other plants, including those exotic ones, coming, as an example, from Japan.


Till 1960, this territory formed a part of cadastral area Horní and Dolní Cejl. The foundation of local botanical garden is to be dated till 1926. At that time, the garden was a part of Agriculture University and was placed in an area of today´s arboretum. In 1960, there was necessary to enlarge school-object, so the garden had to step back. In 1967, there was decided to establish new botanical garden, including arboretum, in connection for collection of wooden trees. So, new garden was founded in 1968, according to plans of Professor Ivan Otruba.


Text: Václav Zamba

Photo: Google



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